http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1QA2KPS7 - Dowload Hell Throne: Lepteria
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We are working on alpha 3 of Hell Throne: Lepteria, school is slowing us down, but we hope we'll release Alpha 3 on time.
Meanwhile here is the gate from hell to reality, that you need to get in when you die, and want a ressurection.
We finished our first set of traps. It will include:
- Flame trap. Flame bursting from the ground in periodic time, or triggered by player.
- Trap bridge. Bridge that will break apart, triggered by player.
- Landfall trap. Landfall triggered by player.
Here is the roadmap for Alpha 3 version:
+ Spellsystem, spells, spellbook
+ Weapons
+ Items
+ Item pickup
+ AI of enemies
+ Village of Baelur
+ HUD Redesign
+ Journal
+ New enemies
+ Hell Prison (traps, torture devices, fine details)
+Ressurection Gate
+ Influence changes
+ Blood stains
+ Journal entries
+ Traps
+ Blood Decals
+ Environment Objects
+ Stats System
+ Daylight Manager
Things that are done are marked with "+", those that are in progress are marked with "+-", and those that are not are marked with "-". Stay tuned!
We've added a little effect, to add a little bit realism when players health is down.
Don't mind my fps, i have dozen of background processes that slow down my machine.
Same scene but new screenshoot!
We've added our new tree in the game, there are several types, but we have some small problems about lighting it (for some reason normals aren't set right). But oh well, we'll be fixing this in couple of days, and publish some new contents. Game story is coming soon, along with some new screenshots, concept art and preview of some features!
Finally we set up the design of our first level: Village of Baelur.
Currently we are using placeholder models, but our modeller is working on it, so soon there will be new screenshots of VoB. Here is the one with current graphical settings. Hope you like it, and stay tunned we'll be adding new contents, as soon as possible.